A simple react widget which can be integrated to any website.
This widget is applied on more than 400 storefronts
It was built within a span of just 1 month
NFT marketplace is build atop polygon and Ethereum network for artist and musicians.
Glimpse of Profit & loss from the NFTs.
It was built within a span of just 1 month.
Centralised Trading platform for buying & selling cryptocurrencies.
KYC. & AML (Anti-money laundering).
Admin Panel for support operations.
Dencetralised trading platform built atop polygon network.
Coin staking & Coin leverage.
Advanced Trading Leverage.
RentoCircle is online platform for Indian Market to rent out things and earn money out of it.
Buy / sell / Rent the items you own
Earn money from unused items by giving it on rent
You can drag and drop your all images into the toolbox to quickly transform it into any PDF document.
Fastest than any available tools for conversion
Works on even 2G network
Android Mobile application and a chrome extension to simply covert number to words.
Number to words works across all browser
Used in financial app like stock market, reading companies financials.
Tezhyre help you to create video resume instead of pdf resume.
Video resume gives more clarity to the recruiter about profile
Reduces the overall cost involved in following up the resource
Drop us a line with any questions, inquiries or business proposals
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